Homesteading 101


Dreaming of self-reliance? Wanna learn about it what it takes to live off your land?  Questions about fencing, butchering, raising animals? Sign up for our Introduction to Homesteading class and begin your journey towards the life you’re longing for.

Basics of Gardening

Spring 2024
Contact us to suggest a date / time.

Momma/Gardener Jessica and her crew (which consists of her 5 children) plant, grow, and preserve hundreds, maybe thousands, of pounds of fruit and veggies each year. Jessica is a passionate gardener, avid learner, a great teacher.  If you need to know what a cold-season annual is and when to plant the lettuce, sign up for our Basics of Gardening class.

The Productive Garden

Coming Soon

Ready to move into serious food production to feed your family, learn about wisely laying out a backyard garden, amending soil, or indoor seed-starting?  Come to our Productive Garden class.

Gardening Apprenticeship

Summer 2024

If you are absolutely in love with gardening and have time to learn all the ins and outs of growing and preserving food, consider applying to be a seasonal intern.

Gardening Consultation

Quite possibly the most beneficial thing you could do for your garden is to hire Jessica as your garden consultant.  As your personal gardening advisor, Jessica will take you through the gardening year offering one-on-one education, troubleshooting, and help every step of the way.  She will save you money by helping you avoid the common mistakes that cause gardens to fail year after year.  She will be both your cheerleader and your coach, and at the end of the year, she will be your bff and your hero.

Private Hive Tours

Contact us to schedule

Honeybees are phenomenal creatures that fascinate and enthrall everyone.  At the farm, you can experience the wonders of the tiny and productive world inside the brood box.  Contact us to set up a private and personalized hive tour. It will be the best date night ever or it could be a super unique gift idea for the adventurous one that has it all. Also great for for a nature-loving student or someone who might possibly be interested in keeping bees of their own.

Beekeeping Apprenticeship

Summer 2024

There’s so much to learn when beginning to keep bees: What’s backfilling and what does it mean? How can I get the bees to draw more comb? Do I feed? Do I treat? Can I move my colony? How do I catch a swarm? How long from egg to laying queen? And once you have bees, it’s infinitely helpful to have someone to call for advice almost every time you crack the inner cover. Beekeeper Jessica is passionate about pollinators and about helping newbee-keepers to have a fun and successful first season.

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