This year we plan to continue raising Yorkshire cross hogs. These are larger, hearty hogs. While all pigs are raised on grain, most are raised in dark confinement operations. From the time we purchase them as weanlings to the day they go to processing, our pigs live on grass and woodlands, foraging for bugs, soaking up the sun, licking minerals in the soil, and gobbling all of our walnuts and hickories. These pigs will have a fantastic finish!
We will be offering them to you in halves or whole hogs (although customers frequently tell us they regretted only getting a half). You’ll pay us a deposit of $100 via Venmo or PayPal. We’ll then reserve that hog for you. The processor will contact you some time that week to get your cutting instructions. You’ll pay them directly for all processing fees and you can have the animal processed however you desire. You should estimate about $200 for processing fees per whole hog.
We’ll then charge you $3.50 per pound based on the hanging weight of the pig (average whole hog hanging weight is 150-200 pounds). This exact amount will be determined by the processor. We’ll subtract your deposit and send you a notice of the amount owed.
We’ll start raising this year’s hogs in spring, so fill out the form now to get on the list and reserve yours today.
Text or call in your order at the number in the footer, or you can fill out this order form and we’ll be in touch.